Saturday 31 July 2010

Think and Speak

For a number of years, I have been thinking deeply about starting up a blog... and finally I have gotten the chance to do so. My blog is going revolve around me and my passions (music, movies, love and life). That is why I wanted to pick out a distinct name that will embrace my nature and all that I believe in, I asked quite a number of my friends after narrowing down my blog names and now I present to you>>> THEDABLIFE!

As humans, we go through life everyday living in the ways that we seem most comfortable with, but honestly not all those ways are the best ways because sometimes we live for other people and tend to do thing because other people are doing it. I for one, know a thing or two about this, I refused to start up this blog earlier because I was worried about what people would say or think and anytime that I would try to bring it up with people even my family, I was not taken seriously. I was listening to a song by Ashanti called SHINE for about the millioneth time and realised that indeed I am not going to let anyone tear me down or blow out my light.

I don't know how may people are going to view this first entry but I am honestly saying to every boy or girl, man or woman... no matter your race, sexuality or religion, think clearly before you make a decision, weigh your options before you take an action and make sure whatever it is you are opting for make sure that it brings you happiness, its for the best and people around you are able to learn from you... THINK AND SPEAK!

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