Monday 2 August 2010

Being Thankful

I heard a story about a man yesterday, a christian, who was strictly dedicated to the ministry of God and along the line he lost his job and thought it was pointless for him to serve God steadfastly and still be prone to loss of job. After he lost the job in question, he applied for several jobs and was told on numerous occasions that he was overqualified. After a sunday worship service, he went for guidance counseling with his Pastor and revealed his concerns, the only thing his Pastor could tell him was to be thankful for the fact that he was overqualified as there are many people out there who are under-qualified and some that have no qualifications at all. Months after, he got the dream job that he had always wanted and gave a testimony in church that he is sure that if he did not remain positive and thankful for the things that he did have and the situation that he was in, things may not have been right for him.

I think it is important to be thankful for the things we have and the people around us. I think we should always remember somewhere else in the world, some one does not have a roof over his head, someone does not have food to eat, some one does not have clothes to wear, someone does not have money to spend and someone does not have friends and family to be surrounded with. No matter what situation we may find ourselves, we need to surround ourselves with positivity and see the goodness in every situation. If we give room to misery, it will engulf us and everything around us will become a figure of the misery that we have built up inside of us. Remember, the way that we feel inside will be a reflection of what people will see on our outsides.

I currently work with Save the Children International and everyday I get to read about the way people battle with poverty, sickness and homelessness, but when I view pictures that have been taken of them, I see them smiling... and wonder to myself if you are in an unfortunate situation like that, why would you be smiling? I then realized, they find themselves in poor situations and unfortunate conditions but they are able to wake up the next morning to breathe in air and see the sun shine, see the rain fall or feel the breeze against their skin... that alone is enough to be thankful for.

So whenever things are not going your way or whenever things are not going as planned, don't rest your shoulders and bow your head, carry yourself with pride and strength, be thankful for what you have or whatever situation you might be in because there is a high probability that things could have been worse. Have faith and believe in yourself, surround yourself with positivity, take a stand and commit to yourself that you can make it through the down time. Even the bible tells us to always be thankful (Pslam 92) :)

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