Wednesday 4 August 2010

Tribute to a Friend

Every now and then, your fond memories kept flashing in my head but today I learned of your death and what shattered me was the fact that it was actually your 1 year anniversary. When I heard, I could not believe it and when I confirmed that it was you, it was like timed stopped, tears filled up in my eyes and for a moment I could not breathe. How could someone so gentle and quiet, warm and kind, honest and trustworthy have left us in this cruel world.

I thought for a while, how a year could pass by and I had no clue that you were no longer with us. I should have known since you were not on facebook or twitter that something must be wrong but I was too busy focusing on myself that I forgot to keep in touch with all the people that made university days worth remembering. I remember those times that I would walk down the corridor of CASS block and you would always stop to say hi and joke with me. I remember those nights that we would chill in Nnamdi's room for his parties and drink ups. You were always cool and calm, the gentleman, the symbol of peace amongst us. Never once did I hear you argue, never once did I see you fight, you carried yourself with humility and prestige, holding your head high while you walked with your slightly bent posture. I remember those times that Nnamdi and I will be studying for exams and you would walk into the room and give me my props for being able to remember all the things that I had read in preparation for exams. All these memories came rushing back to me all because I learned of your departure from earth.

Once thing is for sure, you will never be forgotten and all these memories that I have of you will linger on in my mind and in my heart. I will hold on to these memories as long as I live because you were a brother, a friend, a colleague and a figure of what true friendship is meant to be. I may be mournful and sad because of your death but I will always have it at the back of my mind that you are in a better place now and even though I may have lost a friend... I know heaven has just gained another angel. Rest In Peace OLOLADE KAZEEM!!!

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