Friday 7 January 2011


All the food and drink have been consumed over the christmas and new year period, so now its back to normal living because I am sure that no one eats that much on a regular basis.

With a new year comes, new resolutions, new hopes, new dreams and new aspirations. At this point, we can only reminisce on events of the past and focus on the journey ahead. A lot of people all over the world were not lucky enough to enter 2011, so it is important that we remain thankful for being alive, and being able to spend cherished moments with family and friends, because its moments spent with them that become fragments of our thoughts that can put a smile on our faces in the unusual moment.

In life, we cannot escape the ups and downs, the bumps and the doubts. During this new year, I urge everyone to be prepared for the down moments as well as the moments of excitement. Let us embrace every situation with a smile, as the saying goes "what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger". Let's work hard to achieve our dreams and create a reasonable level of stability, let's make people smile and let's avoid negativity, let's stay out of trouble and remain calm and peaceful, let's be glad and joyful, let's be confident and driven and let's us all remember that we are all on earth for a reason.


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