Sunday 6 February 2011


Miracles, some people believe in them while some people don't. Certain individuals will argue that there is no such thing as a miracle and instead would prefer to call a miracle, a lucky situation. However, I think that in some situations that we find ourselves, we begin to think that we can't make it through that situation and we lose hope but just when we least expect it we are brought out of that predicament. Playing poker in a Casino and getting back to back winning numbers, that's luck, but surviving a fatal car crash or plane crash, that's a miracle.

Recently, I had the opportunity of seeing a film called 127 hours. The movie is based on the true story of a Mountain Climber/Canyoneer, Aron Ralston who made a trip to a canyon desert in Utah, on a steady climb down the canyon, he slipped and his right hand got caught in between the rocks. He did everything within his power to release himself from the rock but all attempts proved to be futile. To cut the long story short, Aron spent 127 hours (5 days) being trapped in that canyon with limited food and water, the only solution he could come up with was to cut his hand off.... And he did. With a bleeding arm, no food or water, I thought he was going to die but its a miracle to know that Aron Ralston is still alive and kicking, married with kids and even with just one hand, he still swims in deep oceans, climbs mountains and goes down into canyons. If Arons story is not a miracle story then I don't know what is.

People have survived plane crashes, others have survived tsunamis. Some people have beaten cancer and others have survived dangerous surgeries. Imagine staring death in the face, thinking no one can do anything to save you, imagine your entire life flashing before you while you are holding on to every last breath you take, then all of a sudden you are still alive and saved from that situation. I believe in miracles, I hope you do too.

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