Sunday 20 November 2011

Music Album: Mylo Xyloto by ColdPlay

I have always been a fan of ColdPlay's music and in review of their new album, perfectly describes the way I feel about the new music.

"Slowly but surely, Coldplay have become the masters of throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks. Haters be damned, Coldplay's semi-experimental approach to arena anthems (under Brian Eno's tutelage, of course) has made them one of the most commercially successful rock band of the 2000s. If 2008's "Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends" didn't convince fans of Coldplay's interest in genre-bending (particularly in the way of world music), then new album "Mylo Xyloto" certainly paints the picture, though through untapped genres for the band: pop, R&B and electronica. The club beats and jittery synth suggest as much; the Rihanna cameo cements it."

"While some may, in hindsight, herald "Mylo Xyloto" as Coldplay's big "pop" record, the stunning 14-track album is far from a collection of singles. As they have in the past, Chris Martin and co. envisioned an artful concept for the album -- not surprisingly, an "us against the world" love story about characters named Mylo and Xyloto, filled with Arcade Fire-esque rebellion against "The Man." Pepper in political inspiration via New York graffiti culture of the 1970s (obvious in the cover art) and the student-led Nazi-resistance movement known as White Rose, both of which Martin has said influenced him on "Mylo Xyloto."

Not their best effort but still an amazing album.

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