Sunday 13 March 2011

Celebrities and the Qaddafi Family connection

Unless you are living in another planet, then you would know about the ongoing crisis in Libya. Libyans are trying to overthrow the multiple year rule of Col Qaddafi, one of africa's living dictators. The situation in Libya has become a quite intense one, not only because of the amount of bloodshed in the country but because of its impact on the international community. According to reports both Barack Obama (USA) and David Cameron (UK) are already discussing military action but another media-frenzy situation is the connection between the Qaddafi Family and American celebrities.

In the past few days, a number of American singers like Beyonce, Usher and Mariah Carey have come under criticism for accepting money for performances they have given to members of the Qaddafi family and there has been constant inquisition, in order to find out what these stars did with the pay-check that they received for their services rendered to the family. One of the reasons why I love the Public Relations and Media industry is how these celebrities have been able to turn the criticism into positive results. Spokespeople for Beyonce, Usher and Mariah Carey have all issued statements that the money they received for the performances have been given to charity, a trend started by Canadian-born singer, Nelly Furtado.

After thinking deeply about this, I began to ask myself so many questions. Were they wrong to be booked for such a gig? Were they wrong to accept the money? What would have happened if they did not give their money to charity? All these questions pondered in my head, because at the end of the day these people were paid to do a job and even though the source of wealth of the Qaddafi family is questionable, I do not think they deserved such a backlash or for the media to make it such a big deal, but I guess at the end of the day if they did not make it a big deal I would not be able to blog about it.

I am more interested in the media world than I ever was before because I am glad that such media backlash was turned to focus on more positive issues. I would have done the exact same thing, I would tell the world that I gave the money to charity and knowing the source of this money, I would definitely give it back to any Human Rights Charity or Charity that helps women and children because I once learned that in any conflict "women and children are mostly affected", whether physically or mentally.

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